Sunday 30 October 2022

Sunday 30th October 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Aki put off heading for the Rowing Club, as it was pouring with rain. She made a Spanish omelette for breakfast, by which time the rain was easing off, so I offered to drive her over there just in time for her to join a boat. I drove home via Waitrose, picking up some snacks to take in to the theatre. Came home and grabbed a few props and bits of costume, then drove to Stoke there around 1300, by which time I'd conveniently missed the unloading of the hernia repair being my excuse. The set went up very slowly, so we had quite a bit of sitting around to do...did some chores, but nowt excessive...wanted to preserve my energies for later in the week. However, we managed to do some cue-to-cue tech work on both sound and lights come the evening...finished about 2130 and drove home, having been sustained only by a couple of bananas.

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