Tuesday 18 October 2022

Monday 17th October 2022

Very weary this morning, so got off to a slow start. Aki brought me a mug of tea. Got up and porridged, and heated up some of Aki's parsnip soup to take for lunch. Packed a bag and headed for the Medway towns. Crawled along the Blackwall Tunnel Approach...2.5 mile tail back. I was expecting roadworks to be the cause, but no lanes had been closed, so no clue as to why things were so slow. Stopped off at IKEA on the south side, and grabbed a coffee. Didn't hit Chatham until gone noon! Had my lunch over-looking a little park and recreation ground at the bottom of Wayfield Road. By the time I got to the end of my working day, I was back in Wayfield Road, and noticed a stunning blood-red sky as the sun set in the west. Booked into the Premier Inn in Gillingham, then drove down to St Mary's Island marina and had dinner at the Ship & Trades. Back in my room, I went through my lines. Voice had largely recovered from last night, but don't think I would have got it through a show...had flagged up my concerns to Phillip in an email this morning, and had a chat with him on the phone this evening...I got over the fact that I'd have to pace myself very carefully in the run up to the opening night.

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