Saturday 8 October 2022

Saturday 8th October 2022

Woke early so got up and prepared some breakfast...did an hour or so at the computer. Aki cycled off to the fishmonger. Practised the piano for a bit. Aki returned with some fresh Cornish sardines, so she fried them up for lunch with a side salad...very tasty. She dragged me out for a late afternoon amble to Highbury Fields, stopping off at a couple of bike shops to try on cycle helmets...hers is beginning to fall apart! Didn't find what she was looking for, however. Walked back via the Emirates. I prepared a fish pie for dinner, which we had with some vegetables. Managed to FaceTime Kath...she is coming down to see the play in November; and phoned ma and pa...they'd enjoyed a day out at Derwent Reservoir. Did some line learning ahead of tomorrow's rehearsals. Watched a bit of MOTD...big win for Newcastle, mum and dad's next door neighbour scoring twice!

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