Monday 10 October 2022

Monday 10th October 2022

Fitful night's sleep. Alarm at 0730. Aki got up and made tea. I followed a little while later...I didn't have time for breakfast...Aki had arranged a game of tennis with Gareth from No.120, and George from No.127. Apparently courts are free before 1000, so we cycled up to meet them at 0845, then cycled on to Finsbury Park. Hadn't played for ages, so was pleasantly surprised by my form. Aki and I took them on, losing 6-3,6-3, which meant retiring to the Park cafe for a coffee and a sit down. Cycled home, dropped off my racquet, then cycled on to the Post Office depot on North Road to pick up an undelivered parcel...nothing exciting...disposable gloves from Savills. Did a bit of line learning before cooking lunch...pan fried the remaining sardines, which we had with a potato salad. Managed a bit of work this afternoon, but was slowly enveloped by stiff limbs and fatigue, following this morning's excesses! Aki cooked dinner...a Japanese chicken broth with rice and greens, followed by banana custard. Practised my piano part, and did some more line learning before watching more depressing News from Ukraine. Bath and early to bed...

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