Wednesday 5 October 2022

Tuesday 4th October 2022

Woke at 0730....dozed until 0800. Got up and made a cup of warm water. Porridge for yoghurt. Put a packed lunch together. Headed north-west to Willesden, then on to Neasden, and Wembley. Had my packed lunch in an ASDA car park. Ended up in Kenton, then turned for home. Got in at 1630. Aki cooked up a quick stir fry for dinner before she headed out to meet one of her old Takenaka colleagues for dinner in Marylebone. He's now heads up the London office, so hopefully some work might come Aki's way. I cooked a fried egg to stick on top of the stir fry....very tasty, but the egg yolk coated my vocal cords. Drove off to rehearsal in Stoke Newington. Unable to get my vocal cords to shake off the egg yolk, so struggled despite trying to warm the voice up for 20 minutes! Managed to get it through Act I, just! Borrowed the theatre electric piano...very heavy, so had to get a couple of cast members to help manhandle it into the back of my car. Aki helped at the other end. It weighed a ton! Watched a bit of telly then shower and bed...

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