Sunday 16 October 2022

Sunday 16th October 2022

Struggled to rouse myself this morning, but Aki was up to ready herself for Rowing Club and cooked breakfast...that got me up and at 'em. I cycled off to Stoke Newington at 1000, getting there in time for warm up...I'd forgotten that Sean had disappeared for a week's holiday...pushing it a bit, with just two weeks to opening night! ran Act I in the morning session...went reasonably well, with Pablo filling in for Sean. Broke for lunch...I popped across the road to the Yellow Warbler, and ordered a sausage ragu toastie! It was huge!!! Ran Act II in the afternoon...again, not bad...shaping up, but the sooner Sean gets back the better!!! Cycled home...Aki had warmed up the lemon chicken for dinner, with orzo and vegetables. Felt very weary after dinner, but we had tickets to go see Vox Holloway's new piece...chum Helen has joined the choir. We walked up to St Luke's, and gave Helen a wave as we found a seat. It was pretty full, so we had to sit on the right wing...when the concert started, it became clear this was a poor choice, as the sound system seemed to be directed at the central section directly in front of the choir, and it meant it was very difficult to make out the lyrics, or the spoken text, which was delivered into microphone. Very disappointing. That said, the music and choral sounds were sublime...great use of gospel and blues inflections in the score, and great band...we sat at the back and let the sounds wash over us. Look forward to the CD release...hopefully it'll come with a lyric sheet! Worryingly, my voice was shot by the time we got home...a function of gross fatigue, I think...going to have to pace myself very carefully next week.

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