Sunday 30 October 2022

Saturday 29th October 2022

Another fitful night's sleep...came up with a Plan B for the quick change, which you really think the costume designer might have come up trousers for both Brevis and the Doctor...then at least I don't have to climb in and out of two pairs of troosers! Dozed to "Saturday Live" on R4 until 1000...Aki cooked breakfast. Decided to go take a look at the re-vamped Battersea Power Station. Took the Victoria Line to Oxford Circus, and then the Bakerloo to Embankment, where we boarded a River Bus to Battersea Power Station. The boat was a bit smaller than we were expecting, and there were no seats when we got on, but a load of people got off at Westminster Pier. The four re-built chimneys rise majestically skyward, having been re-built using exactly the same in situ concrete casting method as used originally in the early 1930s. Inside, the place is basically a large shopping centre on three levels, with a lot of up-market brand names jostling for prominence. There were queues at all the eateries, so we ended up walking back along the south side of the river, stopping at a little coffee joint for coffee and nata, and we picked up a BLT sandwich from a nearby mini-Sainsburys. Got home around 1730. I cooked a Goan fish curry for dinner, which we ate with pilau rice and steamed greens with chilli flakes and peanuts. Watched a bit of telly afore bed...

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