Saturday 15 October 2022

Friday 14th October 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. My left upper arm, where I had the covid jab yesterday, was sore this morning...couldn't lie on my left side. Felt a wee bit flu-ey, so didn't manage to leap out of bed as planned. Got up around 0815 and breakfasted. Warmed up some of Aki's homemade parsnip soup for my lunch flask. Drove southward via the Blackwall Tunnel, stopping to grab a coffee at the IKEA cafe on the south side, then drove on to Hoo. Stopped in Strood to get some lunch items from Morrisons, then headed for Chatham...not my favourite place! It makes Grimsby look like Venice! Had my soup in the car on a side street somewhere. Turned the car around at 1630 in order to get home in time to grab a bite to eat...traffic was slow coming out of Rochester, and again approaching the pinch point south of the Blackwall Tunnel, but managed to get home by 1820...Aki had already warmed up the leftover fish pie, then we jumped in the car and high-tailed across to Stoke Newington. Saw "Mosquitoes" at the Tower...a Lucy Kirkwood play that had premiered at the National in was staged in the round, but I didn't feel the space was utilised fully...the action seemed trapped in a circle of light in the centre, and I didn't like the use of tea chests as all-purpose set. Performances were a bit dull, though Bella Hornby (Nick's niece...she'd played Viola in Twelfth Night) was good. Sat with Martin and Janet South and had a laugh with them...they're a grand couple. 

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