Tuesday 25 October 2022

Tuesday 25th October 2022

Woke around 0800 and dozed for a bit. Got up around 0900 and porridged. Did an hour at the computer, then we walked up to manor Gardens to take a look at the fallen trees...it had looked as I passed last night that a whole row of middle sized trees had been felled by the tornado, but in fact it was one huge tree, which luckily hadn't fallen across the Holloway Road, but had fallen on the pavement, taking out a phone box, and half of a neighbouring tree. Massive hole in the pavement! Went for a coffee at Green Room, then returned home to do some work. Broke for lunch. Managed another hour-and-a-half at the coal face, then did some lines before trying to warm the voice up. Aki pan fried some salmon for dinner, with chestnut rice, and a miso soup. I drove off to Stoke Newington, getting there just before 1900. Ran the whole play this evening. First half went seriously awry, when Sean jumped a few pages...luckily he was later able to find a way of getting us back on track, but it could have gone either way. I kept dropping lines in the opening scene of Act II...don't know why. Bit worrying. Got home around 2230. 

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