Tuesday 25 October 2022

Monday 24th October 2022

Woke to alarm at 0730. Dozed until gone 0800, then hauled myself out of bed and ironed some trousers! Porridged, and warmed up some of Aki's leek and potato soup to take with me for lunch. Headed out at 0930...made for the petrol station at Sainsbury's in Manor House, then drove on to Maldon and some surrounding villages. Nice day...got unseasonably warm as the afternoon wore on. Had to get in to 10 units to do cursory internal inspections...hope no-one had the virus! Had my soup in a lay-by in Great Totham. Turned for home at 1715, getting back at 1845. Aki cooked up a carbonara for dinner. Watched Later with Jools... on the iPlayer. 

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