Sunday 23 October 2022

Sunday 23rd October 2022

Woke at 0915...didn't have much time to get abluted, eat breakfast, and prepare a packed lunch. It was raining by the time I left for Stoke Newington at 1030, so took the motor. It got quite heavy. Found somewhere to park, then walked the short distance back to the theatre. They had got off to an early start, so when I walked in they had just reached my Act I entrance. Got through my bits in fine fettle, I thought, then we broke to learn the finale dance routine. Cornelia took us through our paces...pretty simple stuff, basically marching about, but the repetition involved in the learning process soon had my knees hurting. Broke for lunch...I sat at the piano and practised until people drifted back in, and we continued where we had left off. Then we ran Act which time I was too exhausted to focus... but managed to lurch through it, a few dropped cues and lines lying in the wake. Got home at 1645. Did some work at the computer while Aki put dinner together. Violent storm swept was like a mini-tornado, sending the trees behind the flat swirling in giddying circles, the rain lashing down, threatening to flood the back yard. Watched "Catherine, Called Birdy", an enjoyable medieval romp directed for Amazon by Lena Dunham. Much relieved to get News of Boris pulling out of the race for PM...just need Mordaunt to do the decent thing, and follow suit...can't see the Tories permitting a general election at present!

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