Thursday 27 October 2022

Wednesday 26th October 2022

Alarm at 0730...Aki up early to ready herself for Rowing Club. I dozed for a bit before getting up and showering. Porridged. Aki cycled off to Springfield Park. I took a morning constitutional and walked up Highgate Hill, but only got as far the Whittington Hospital, as I dived into Archie's cafe for a flat white and a nata...the cafe is bigger than it looks from the street, opening out into a longer back room, with tables nicely laid out. I walked back home and did a bit of work at the computer. Aki having lunch at the cafe in Springfield Park, so I had a mug of her leek and potato soup, with croutons scattered over the top. I tried making a loaf of wholemeal bread, using the Waitrose bread mix, but despite leaving the dough to rest in a warm oven, the dough refused to a result I ended up with a very dense loaf, more akin to rye bread! Went through some lines before dinner...Aki cooked a chicken chasseur, with boiled potato and vegetables. Drove off for Stoke Newington in what I thought was good time, but the roadworks at Manor House are causing long, slow tailbacks. Tonight was a long night of trying on the costumes in the company of a fractious costume designer. The sci-fi costumes aren't fit for purpose, and are going to look particularly bad...but the Cater family looked good (as pictured). My First Act change from Brevis into the Dr. failed to get me back on stage in time...too much clobber to faff around with. The tech is going to be a nightmare! What have I got myself into?

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