Friday 14 October 2022

Thursday 13th October 2022

Alarm at 0730. Dozed in bed until 0900. Porridge for breakfast, then walked round to the pharmacy on Holloway Road to get my flu and covid jabs done. Bit of a queue in a rather cramped little shop, but got seen quite quickly. Aki had booked a 1400 slot at Islington recycling centre, so was getting stuff together to throw out when I got home. Then she cycled off to the butcher on Essex Road to get some chicken for tonight. She then had a quick turn-a-round, as she was meeting Tammy in Brixton for lunch. I managed a little work at the computer, then had an early lunch. Put some detritus in the back of the car, and headed for the tip. Did some lines when I got back. Aki returned having had lunch at a small Ethiopian stall in Brixton Market. She cooked up lemony chicken thighs for dinner, with orzo and vegetables, then I headed for Stoke Newington in the motor. Ran Act II...everyone off book, so it was all a bit halting...I managed to jump cut from my first scene, to my second last, thereby missing out two thirds of the Act!!! Had to stop to work out where I'd gone wrong...if that doesn't give everyone stage fright, I don't know what will! 

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