Thursday 13 October 2022

Wednesday 12th October 2022

Up with the alarm this morning...Aki to ready herself for Rowing Club, while I got up in anticipation of a delivery, my new CPAP machine. Did some work at the computer in the morning...Fred from DPD turned up at lunchtime, and I set up the new machinery by my bedside. Aki back in time for lunch...she cooked up an udon noodle soup. Work fizzled out mid-afternoon, so I did some lines and practised a bit of piano. The smaller keyboard isn't great, but it'll have to do for the moment. I cooked dinner...creamy mushroom and parmesan cheese on pasta, with some spring greens thrown in for good measure. Watched the Young Musician of the Year final on as far as the percussionist by 2200, then switched to the News to see if Truss had been deposed such luck! Will have to watch the last finalist later...

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