Saturday 15 October 2022

Saturday 15th October 2022

Woke late and dozed for a bit. Jim alerted me to the fact that Miriam Margolyes had sworn live on the Today programme, having passed Jeremy Hunt in the studio! Listened to it back on BBC Sounds... Aki cooked breakfast. I did some work at the computer, uploading yesterday's photos, and writing up inspection sheets. We were disturbed by Tom from the church next door, who wanted to allow his handyman into our back yard to clean the church guttering. I explained that he couldn't prop his ladder on our roof as it was very expensive rubber membrane, so he contented himself with clearing out the steel gutter to the church hall extension...they'll have to come back with roof ladders to get at the church guttering. Avocado open sandwich for lunch. Took a constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill in the sunshine. Came across a distressing scene at the Archway gyratory...a woman in the road being tended to by para medics, presumably having been hit by a van. The police were on the scene. Hope she's OK! Walked up to Waterlow Park and sat on a bench to get our breath back before heading home. Dined out at the new Korean cafe just round the corner. I had the beef was OK...nothing to write home about. Aki enjoyed her spicy noodle soup, and vowed to return. Watched a bit of telly, then did some work on my lines before shower and bed...

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