Tuesday 1 November 2022

Monday 31st October 2022

Got up and porridged. Spent most of the morning moving bedroom furniture about so I could get at the black mouldy walls behind, and apply some mould killer. It's particularly bad against the external wall in the back bedroom...we haven't been using the de-humidifier much lately, as it eats electricity. Finished off Aki's leek and potato soup for lunch, then drove over to Homebase at Manor House to get some compost, and then to Sainsbury's to pick up a click and collect shop. Drove on to Brimsdown...traffic was dreadful...took ages to crawl up Tottenham High Road. Eventually managed to turn off toward Totenham Hale and take Meridian Way, but then got stuck for 15 minutes at a level crossing in Brimsdown. Got to No.54 Redlands Road to take a look at a digital piano being offered on eBay...the door was opened by Deniz, the chap I'd been messaging via eBay...surprised to discover he is a dwarf, of Turkish descent...lovely guy. It turned out he had been assigned the job of getting rid of his cousin's unwanted piano by his Aunt, and he'd come up from Edmonton to let us in. Aki didn't like the piano much, though...the fact that it is white, not black, and a bit too deep...we decided to go do a bit more research. I took Deniz's mobile number, promising to update him at the earliest opportunity. Got home in time to dine on fish curry and rice, then got in the car to head for Stoke Newington...traffic had gotten worse! My 20 minute journey took an hour-and-a-half...the worst section was along Brownswood Road/Lordship Park/Manor Road...the fourway traffic control at the road works where Brownswood Road crosses Green Lanes had got stuck on red...it was chaos. Buses could barely pass eachother, and a bus ahead of me managed to scrape the paint off a car door, which resulted in a 15 minute delay while the driver and the bus driver hurled abuse at eachother! As a result I was an hour late for the call, and found the dance finale being re-rehearsed in the now rather awkward space left us by the furniture. It's a mess. Managed to get through Act I, and do the quick change successfully, much to my surprise/relief! Costume changes in Act II looked manageable...I'm going to lose several kilos over the course of this run!!!

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