Sunday 9 October 2022

Sunday 9th October 2022

Woke around 0730 and dozed until gone 0800. Aki was up early to prepare for Rowing Club. She cooked a simple omelette breakfast. I made myself a packed lunch. Aki headed off on her bike at 0945, and I followed at 1000, getting to rehearsal at 1030. We ran Act I first...I struggled with my voice for a while, which had a knock on effect on my lines, so it was a bit of a mess, but we got through it and broke for lunch. Tried on my blue body suit for the sci-fi shows off my appalling effect. Luckily, we will have tabards that go over the top and hide the more unsightly bits! Ran Act II in the afternoon...not much better, to be honest, but it was good to get through the whole play and still have some voice left to spare afterwards. Arsenal were playing Liverpool at the Emirates, so I delayed cycling back home until I was sure the game had kicked off...I went a grabbed a coffee at Costa on the High Street, and sat in for 15 minutes, before getting on me bike. Marinated sardine starter, followed by mushroom and anchovy sauce for pasta. Did some work on my piano part, and looked at some Act II lines before watching the News. Shower and and early night...

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