Saturday 8 October 2022

Thursday 6th October 2022

Alarm at 0730. Got up and made porridge for breakfast. Decided to stay home today, and work at the computer...plenty of writing up to be done. Aki made a tasty spinach soup for lunch. Broke at 1700 to eat an early dinner before setting off for Stoke Newington and rehearsals at the Tower. Hadn't realised there was an Arsenal game on this evening...ran straight into a traffic jam on Seven Sisters Road, so turned northward up Hornsey Road, then east to Stroud Green. Crossed Stroud Green Road and hit stationary traffic. It's usually my fail safe escape route when Seven Sisters Road is blocked, but we barely inched along the north side of Finsbury Park. I was aiming for Green Lanes, where I'd turn right to Manor House, but unbeknownst to us drivers, the police had taped the road off due to some kind of incident, so everything was having to turn left up Green Lanes...I could see it was barely moving, so I did a U-turn and headed back toward Stroud Green, hitting the football traffic...I eventually got to the theatre 10 minutes shy of being two hours late! Slotted in to the latter half of a run of Act II...we finished early, which meant I could hasten away, before the Emirates emptied out...

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