Saturday 22 October 2022

Saturday 22nd October 2022

Slightly fitful night's sleep. Dozed in bed until gone 0900. Got up and cooked us some breakfast. Practised my piano part for a bit, and tried to warm my voice up. Cycled off for Stoke Newington at 1230 for a wardrobe call. I was first to show up, so wandered round to Pret a Manger to buy a sandwich and a coffee. Long somewhat tedious afternoon trying on bits and pieces of costume...can't help but feel there is too much detail, bearing in mind the quick changes in Act II. Cycled home and showered, then we caught a No.253 to Camden to meet Katrina at a fairly new Korean/Japanese restaurant on Camden Parkway. Aki had a plate of sushi, and I had the udon noodle soup with prawn tempura. Katrina seemed in fine fettle, though suffering from the last remnants of a heavy cold. Wandered round the corner to Cecil Sharpe House to listen to John McCusker and Friends...he's currently on a 30th anniversary tour. Brilliant fiddle player, and he had four fabulous musicians with him...especially impressed by Toby Shaer and his wooden Irish flute...amazing musicianship. He'd apparently been a child prodigy, much like Mr McCusker himself. Accompanied Katrina on the return journey on the No.253, leaving her to jump off at Sussex Way...

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