Tuesday 18 October 2022

Tuesday 18th October 2022

Woke around 0745. Hauled myself out of bed, and made a hot lemon and honey drink. Breakfasted downstairs in the bar...returned to my room to do a bit of work at the laptop before checking out and heading across town. Nice sunny day. Spent most of the remainder of the morning on the White Road estate, then found myself on the fringe of Chatham town centre. Broke for lunch and walked into town...ended up ordering a quarter-pounder from Wimpy, and returning to my car to eat it. £9.90 for burger and chips! No wonder I was the only customer...still, it was a cut above the competition. Ended my working day in the Borstal area, and found myself on the Esplanade. Looked unusually inviting in the sunshine. Turned for home at 1530...Stop the Oil protestors have closed the Dartford crossing, so I anticipated traffic queues approaching the Blackwall Tunnel...in the event, it wasn't too bad. May be a 45 minute delay...got home before 1730. Aki had warmed up a Chris Brigham cottage pie...we weren't very impressed...and then I cycled off to Stoke Newington for rehearsals... did a run of Act I, minus Sean and Julia! Managed to get my voice through it. Had to visit the wardrobe department briefly afterward, then headed home on my bike. 

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