Tuesday 11 October 2022

Tuesday 11th October 2022

Very weary this morning...everything hurts after yesterday's exercise marathon. Aki brought me a mug of lemon tea in bed. Got up at 0930 and had some porridge. Aki took her Japanese zoom exercise class, so I did some piano practice and line learning in the back bedroom. Managed a bit of work before breaking for lunch...Aki did mushroom omelette and salad. Worked at the computer all afternoon. Warmed up the fish pie I'd made at the weekend for a tasty dinner. Drove into the theatre this evening rather than cycle, as the MD had suggested swapping the heavy electric piano I've been practising on for a lighter keyboard, leaving the hefty one at the theatre for rehearsals. Aki and I manhandled it into the back of the car and I drove off. Rehearsed the final song with Colin Guthrie at the Joanna, then showed our choreographer, Cornelia, the shape of the final set piece so she can go away and think about what she can throw at us. Worked up some physical action sequences with Richard, our fight director. Home by 2200.

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