Sunday 2 October 2022

Sunday 2nd October 2022

Woke at 0715. Hauled myself out of bed...after yesterday's advice from Val, I skipped a milky tea, and had a mug of warm water with a slice of lemon in it. Aki cooked a breakfast, before cycling off to Rowing Club. I got on my bike shortly thereafter, and headed for Stoke Newington. Long day in the rehearsal room, but just about managed to survive. Worked Act II, and the wardrobe gals came in to watch a timed run to get an idea of how tight some of the quick changes are going to be. Broke for lunch...had some of the sweetcorn and egg soup that Aki had made yesterday. Had a wardrobe call after rehearsal. Bumped in to Nick Hall on my way out...he had been in to audition for one of the short pieces written by Tower members during lockdown...cycled back to Drayton Park with him, getting home around 1700. Warmed up the lasagna for dinner, followed by apple crumble and custard. Watched a bit of telly....some amazing violin players on the Young Musician of the Year show...astonishing talent!

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