Thursday 27 October 2022

Thursday 27th October 2022

Alarm at 0800. I dozed until gone 0900, then got up and showered before porridging. Ventured out for our morning constitutional, walking up Highgate Hill to Waterlow Park, then back down to Archie's for a coffee. Ambled back home via Fairbridge Road. I flung a lunch together, then did some work at the computer before breaking to do a vocal warm up. Lynne from upstairs came down to do her washing...her machine had packed up! Aki cooked dinner...a sort of tomato and mushroom ragu, with orzo and pan fried courgette. Headed for Stoke Newington for what was our final rehearsal before the tech and dress runs early next week...the play is in good shape, but the finale dance routine is still all over the shop...and then there are the myriad quick changes! Not looking forward to next week, particularly. Got home around 2230. Aki had baked chocolate brownies, so the flat smelled very tasty!!!

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