Saturday 29 October 2022

Friday 28th October 2022

Fitful night's sleep...spent an hour or so with my mind racing through the Act I quick change conundrum. Thus I later got out of the wrong side of the bed...need proper rest if I'm going to get my voice through the next few days! Got up around 0930 and threw breakfast together. Did an hour at the computer. After lunch, we cycled in to the Barbican via the New North Road. Had booked tickets to see "Decision to Leave" by Korean director Park Chan Wook. I found it somewhat difficult to suspend my disbelief when confronted with the almost super-human work ethic of the lead detective character, and the motivation of the suspect widow he was investigating and becoming infatuated with. Beautifully filmed and edited, though, with some ingenious contrivances using split screen techniques, and mobile text messaging (seen from the inside of the phone looking out...the text presented backwards). It was a bit too long though, and I had to fight off the desire to take a nap half way through! Cycled home via Waitrose. Chicken chasseur for dinner. watched a bit of telly...favourites, "Better Things", "Stuck", and "Seinfeld", and gave Guillermo del Toro's "Cabinet of Curiosities" a go...well done, but silly!

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