Friday 21 October 2022

Thursday 20th October 2022

Fitful night's sleep, for some reason. Got up around 0915 and had porridge, then settled for the morning at the computer writing up the last two days worth of inspection notes. Broke for lunch. Watched BBC News coverage as Truss resigned as PM after just 45 days! What a shower!!! Aki popped out to get some bits and pieces from Waitrose, and got heavily rained upon! Finished work about 1630 and did some voice warm up stuff before dinner. Aki made some pappardelle, which we had with mushrooms and pesto sauce. Drove off to Stoke Newington for a run of Act II...still not quite getting the speed of delivery I need...the cues come thick and fast, and some of them are so similar it can cause me to jump ahead. Still no Sean, and Julia, who was complaining of cold symptoms, made her appearance via zoom call! All very unsatisfactory...bloody amateurs!

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