Saturday 30 October 2021

Saturday 30th October 2021

Woke around 0800. Another wet autumn day in prospect. Made Turkish eggs for breakfast. Pottered about this morning, not getting very much done, though I managed another chunk of Hilary Mantel. Drove to Waitrose after lunch and did a shop. As I was unloading the car outside the flat, Kevin happened by...haven't seen him for ages, so we had a pleasant chat. Told him Aki was in Japan...he said his wife is in France, so why don't we join up for a visit to the pub tomorrow lunchtime! Said I'd knock on his door at around 1300, and we'd walk up to the Landseer to have a bite to eat. Sush came round early evening...he had a poke about in the bathroom, but couldn't find a definitive cause for the damp patch abutting the shower. He reckoned I needed to punch a couple more exploratory holes in the plasterboard, which I'll attempt to do tomorrow morning. We talked about replacement downlights in the bathroom ceiling, and he ushered me into his flat next door to show me what he usually uses in a trade catalogue...Rebecca was there, and asked if I wanted to stay for dinner. Had a dansak with paneer, cumin rice, saag aloo, aloo gobi, homemade pakora, and was just like eating out at an Indian restaurant! Rebecca even bagged some up for me to put in the freezer! Should keep me going for weeks!!! Got back home in time for MOTD. Aki called. She was preparing her breakfast, prior to going to pick up Erika. They are going on a trip west of Tokyo to spend a night in a B&B where one of Aki's JCUK chums now resides. Sounds like there are a few changes of train involved in the journey!!!

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