Friday 22 October 2021

Friday 22nd October 2021

Woken at 0900 by Aki calling from Chiba. She'd arrived back at the flat in one piece, and was looking forward to a relatively relaxing weekend after all the journeying...still mounds of paperwork to wade through, though. I did a little work at the computer after breakfast, but not really in the mood for work. Not a lot on in any event. Cooked up a cheese and ham omelette for lunch. Walked to Morrisons to buy some ingredients for a lime and brown butter rice pudding I want to make tomorrow. Had half a pizza for tea before driving over to Stoke Newington for a 1800 rehearsal. Worked through scenes 3 & 4 this evening. It's shaping up very nicely...feeling confident enough to invite people! Busy few days coming up! Made my escape at 2100, keen to drive home before the Arsenal and Villa fans poured out of the Emirates stadium. 

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