Tuesday 12 October 2021

Tuesday 12th October 2021


Woke around 0815, not feeling particularly refreshed. Sat at the computer and did some work for an hour. Aki called. She's having dinner with Nobby and his daughter Erica this evening. Headed back out west to finish the inspections for the Guinness Partnership job. Popped in to Tesco in Yeading to get petrol, and picked up a Starbucks. Ended in Ruislip, then decided I had time to pick off a couple of postcode stops on another job, which entailed driving round the M25 to Cobham. As I approached the A3 turn off I noticed there was no traffic on the clockwise motorway...there'd been a lorry fire, and all lanes were closed. That meant all the traffic coming off the M25 and snarling up the A3. Took ages to get to Cobham. Ate my packed lunch in the traffic jam! Drove home via an inspection stop in Thames Ditton. Got home at 1700, just before David was due to arrive for tea and song rehearsal. He's very camp, and is about to get civil partnered up with his fella. Packed the car up with guitars and amps etc, and drove to the Tower Theatre. Unloaded, and found somewhere to park up. Rehearsed with drummer, and keyboard player, who turned up a bit late. Paulette came all the way from Croydon...glad she did, as her voice is far and away the best on show. The bass player got held up by problems on the public transport network, so turned up after most of the other participants had gone home. We rehearsed a couple of numbers with him, before he revealed he couldn't do the gig on Sunday...he'd thought it was Saturday!!! So that was a great big waste of time! Drove David home, dropping him off in Jackson Road, then unloaded the car. Called Aki. She was still in her jimjams, but was preparing for her mum's funeral in three hours time or so...she's happy with her memorial speech. I wished her luck...sorry I can't be there!

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