Saturday 30 October 2021

Friday 29th October 2021

Got up around 0900. Aki sent a photo of her mum's now almost empty Inage flat. Called for a quick chat, but the signal wasn't very good. Looks as though they've had a long day. This is the place I first visited in Japan...Toshiko welcomed me into her home on New Year's Eve, and treated me to their traditional New Year's menu...our bedroom was through the arched doorway to the right. Sad to see it emptied, but it has to be done. Read some Hilary Mantel in the morning...I've got a lot of catching up to do. Had an initial go at learning Happy from The Stones' Exile on Main Street album...I want to learn all the songs that call for an open G tuning. Aki called after lunch, having got back to the Chiba flat, exhausted. She said she felt very saddened to see her mum's past being cleared away, that it had been an almost out-of-body experience. Had salmon and rice salad for dinner, as it needed eating up. Nowt on telly, so watched The Green Knight with Dev Patel in the title role....strangely dull fantasy retelling of the story of Sir Gawain & the Green Knight. Not sure it deserved the five stars Peter Bradshaw gave it! Watched Emma's defeat in the quarter-finals of the Transylvania Open. It looks as though the US Open will be her one and only championship win for a while yet...

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