Wednesday 13 October 2021

Wednesday 13th October 2021


Woke around 0730 and got up and did a bit of work at the computer. Aki called to say the funeral service had gone very well, and that she'd managed to get through her speech, but had broken down toward the end. Noburu, the brother-in-law told a tale about proposing to Aki's elder sister. He'd shown a photo of his beloved to his parents, which was of Aki's sister, and her mum...and his folks had thought he was planning to marry the mother! They had all gone out for a post funeral meal at a local restaurant, which, being near the crematorium, is quite used to catering for funeral parties! Aki said she was exhausted, and would be going to bed early tonight. I headed out to west London to do some inspections. Took in Stamford Brook, Neasden, Stanmore, Edgware, and West Hampstead before returning home for a very quick ham salad, as I then had to walk up Hornsey Rise for my Ear Nose & Throat appointment. 

New chap saw me...bit brusque, but businesslike...he gave me the all clear and sent me packing. I walked back down the hill via Girasole where Eglal and her team were busy creating the Christmas window display! They were even playing Xmas pop hits over the sound system! I bought a couple of items, and wished them a very Merry Christmas. Worked from home for the remainder of the day. Broke at around 1830 and decided to make a duck and mushroom parmentier for dinner, so needed to nip over the road for spuds. Dropped in at the chemist to pick up a fresh supply of painkillers...he gave me my flu jab while I was there! Came back and cooked...took ages...didn't eat until about 2030. Tasty, though, and I made two, so one's gone in the fridge for later in the week. FaceTimed Kath. 

She said Karen was trying to get Jim to sign away his rights...he's been told to stay clear until he's managed to see a solicitor. Could be a long and bitter battle. He's still residing in the van like Maggie Smith, subject to the forthcoming result of a PCR test...if it's negative, he'll be allowed in the house during the winter months! Spoke to ma and pa on the phone...they seem to be taking it all in their stride. Had a text message from Ray and Steph asking how things were going...gave them a quick FaceTime call. They asked me to pass on their best wishes to Aki, and invited us down to Eastbourne when she's back.

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