Wednesday 20 October 2021

Wednesday 20th October 2021

Up at 0730. Did some work at the computer, mug of tea in hand. Nice sunny day outside. Mucked about on the guitar for a bit...Stormy Monday sounding good...ready for an audience. Aki called from her hotel in Kyushu. She and Noboru had been treated to dinner by a ageing cousin. Aki had taken the opportunity to order a wagyu beef steak! Earlier she had met cousins Hisao and Teruko at the Koga family plot to make final arrangements for tomorrow's interment. I went for a walk after lunch...strolled down Upper Street, to Angel...sun had gone in! Stopped off at the Central Library to pick up some compostable food waste bags...surprised to see there were no books or shelving units in there at all...they are refurbishing. Looked quite odd, a library with no books. Ambled on to Euphorium for a decaf coffee, then on to Muji at The Angel, where I bought some more underwear and socks. I was planning to get the bus home from there, but they were all full of virus-carrying school kids, so I walked back. Hot dogs for tea, before climbing in to the VW and heading to Stoke Newington for the play reading rehearsal. We worked through the first two scenes. Simona kept asking for my advice on extracting some comedy out of certain lines, but it's not exactly a broadly comic's going to be down to timing and the audience mood on the night. It was pouring with rain when we came out of the theatre...we made a run for the pub next door, and Martin South bought me a beer. We had a little reminisce about his playing Hamlet forty years ago, and brought up a few names from the dim and distant past. Pub was very noisy, so I made my excuses and left, driving home in the rain. Got in around 2215. Called Aki who had just got out of bed and was downing a coffee before heading for the cemetery. I wished her luck...

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