Monday 4 October 2021

Monday 4th October 2021

Woke around 0730. Aki called as I was eating breakfast. She'd visited her mum this morning, and they had managed to share an ice cream. Care Home Manager seems to have confirmed that Aki can visit on a daily basis, which is good. I ventured out onto the streets to see if any petrol had turned up at the garage round the corner. I was expecting to see Army Cadets in their fatigues, making Lower Holloway look like Camp Bastion. But the chap behind the counter reckoned they wouldn't get replenished until Wednesday. So worked from home today, which was alright by me...meant I could practice some guitar at lunchtime. Worked until 1700. Warmed up some home grown tomato sauce for supper, which I had with pasta and parmesan, and shredded cabbage. Kessle, our keyboard player rang to introduce himself. Was a bit shocked to discover that he lives in Slough!!! Left a message with Simona to warn her, as he may want travel expenses! I would if I were him! She sent over the script for The Court Must Have A Queen in advance of the auditions tomorrow night, so I read through it. Nice piece...not too long, and crisply written. Aki called just before bedtime. The temperatures are rising again, so she's looking forward to a walk in the forest park this morning.

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