Friday 8 October 2021

Friday 8th October 2021

Woke at about 0630 for some reason. Hauled myself out of bed and downed a couple of pints of tea. Did some work at the computer. Aki called whilst I was making my porridge. She had had a fitful night's sleep, but was otherwise in good spirits. She is looking after her mum until Sunday when she will be moved to the mortuary prior to the cremation on Wednesday. She spoke with Ha-chan in Osaka, and they have planned to meet up, either when Aki is on her way to Kyushu with the ashes, or on her return leg. I headed back out west in the car, stopping at Tesco in Yeading for more have a full tank. Spent most of the day in Hayes, West Drayton, and Yiewsley. Stopped for lunch at a marina serving the Grand Union Canal just outside Yiewsley. Nice spot...walked up to the canal after eating. Ended the working day in Uxbridge town centre, which was pretty busy. Got in around 1915 and cooked up some pasta with a mushroom pesto sauce. Feeling very weary after the last three days on the road...looking forward to resting up tomorrow. 

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