Thursday 28 October 2021

Wednesday 27th October 2021

Woke around 0730. Got up and made some tea. Cooked up Turkish eggs for breakfast while Tony was getting himself organised. He's stopping another night tonight, and needs a couple of nights next week, too. Felt too weary after the last few weeks' exertions to get any work done. Need to finish the book club read before tomorrow night's meet. Aki called from Iszumi's hair salon to show off her new haircut...and I had a brief chat with Iszumi...she looked in rude health. Aki trying to persuade her to come back to London. 

Wandered up the road to Big Jo's for lunch...hadn't tried their Roman pizza...had an aubergine and tomato one...quite a thick crust...needed a steak knife, but tasty enough. Put a new battery in the doorbell, but managed to snap the plastic clip that keeps it together, so it will probably fall off in a high wind...pain in the bum! Rebecca next door let me onto her roof so I could climb over the parapet and take the dead pigeon out of the hopper. There was a lot of moss off of the church roof, so cleaned that up too, and gave it a bit of a hosing down. Had a cuppa tea and a chat with Rebecca...she's between jobs at the moment. Asked how Sush's divorce was going...he's actually been divorced for years, but his ex hasn't signed off yet on the financial settlement for some reason. They seem to think it has something to do with the ex not wishing to grant Sush any custody rights over the 12 year old daughter. Read some more book club read this afternoon...should complete it by tomorrow. Tony got back at 1900 and I warmed up a couple of portions of my homemade chicken tikka masala, which we had with dahl, rice, and flatbread...followed by rice pudding! Watched a filmed version of a play we had seen in lockdown...Death of England...the National Theatre version was a one-man show, but this was a two-hander, beautifully crafted, with great use of otherwise theatrical conventions. Tony had been sent a copy, as he's to do some audio-description work on it. Really enjoyed it. 

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