Thursday 28 October 2021

Thursday 28th October 2021

Woke around 0745. Got up and made a mug of tea. We had porridge for breakfast, with grated apple, yoghurt, honey, and nuts. Aki called as we were sitting down to eat. She had a wee chat with Tony, and up-dated us on the slow progress of Japanese bureaucracy. Tony left for work at 1100...he's back early next week. Finished reading "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry". All a bit slight in terms of literature, but enjoyable nonetheless...she has a great way of inventing seemingly new expressions, most of which were highly satisfying. Pottered around for the rest of the afternoon, not doing very much. Read Krapp's Last Tape...they are auditioning for it at the Tower next week, and I'm tempted...saw Max Wall do it at Riverside Studios about forty years ago! Warmed up a portion of lasagna for dinner, with some vegetables on the side. Walked up to No.126 for the Book Club meet at Polly's. All except Dulcie, and of course, Aki, in attendance...Dulcie joined us via zoom link...she's becoming virtual. The general consensus was that The Pilgrimage of Harold Fry had been a bit superficial and manipulative, though not wholly unenjoyable. Dulcie really liked it, of course, but Jane had found it hard to be won over. We chose a Russian historical detective novel called The Winter Queen for our next meet in December at Katherine's, when we will also discuss the Desai, which most of us hadn't yet started...except Gareth who'd read it weeks ago! Walked back home with Jane, Ben and Gayu, stopping briefly to knock on Dulcie's door and proffer a couple of my flapjacks to have with her tea tomorrow. Jane wants to fix up a zoom chat with Aki at some point next week. I told her it would have to be around noon, as we will be nine hours behind by then. She said she'd get back to me on possible dates tomorrow.

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