Thursday 21 October 2021

Thursday 21st October 2021


Woke around 0845. Got up and made tea, then did some work at the computer. Aki called from her hotel. The interment ceremony had gone well, with a Buddhist monk on hand to do the requisite chanting. Aki seemed very relieved, and went off to celebrate with a visit to the hotel spa. Wandered down Upper Street mid-afternoon to the Screen on the Green to see Dune. Didn't quite have the cinema to myself...there were maybe 12 people in there. Ordered a latte which was brought to my seat. This was my first visit to a cinema since the pandemic struck, so I was looking forward to it. The film is expertly shot, with awe-inspiring technical wizardry, but the story line left me a bit was like Star Wars, filmed on Camber Sands. It was two-and-a-half hours long, which felt a bit over-the-top! It was 1845 by the time I stepped back on Upper Street. I wandered over to the Afghan Kitchen, but it looked a bit too busy for comfort, so I walked northward, and found a table at Skal. Ordered the venison meatballs with loganberry sauce, new potatoes, and charred broccoli with flaked almonds. A pricey midweek treat. Felt a bit weighed down by the spuds afterward, so decided to walk back home rather than get the bus. 

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