Sunday 3 October 2021

Sunday 3rd October 2021

Got up around 0800. Worked on the guitar part to Dream A Little Dream. Aki called. She had been in to see her mum, who was not communicative today. It's all a bit swings and roundabouts, which makes things difficult. Aki is going to have a word with the Care Home Manager to see about coming in every day. Cooked egg rougaille for brunch. It was OK, but not convinced it was worth the faff. Walked up to Katherine's at No.127 for folk and fiddle rehearsals with George on flute, and Ben on fiddle. Katherine on cello as usual, and me thrashing out guitar chords to keep them vaguely in time. Nice to see everybody. Katherine and George have announced they are getting spliced in May, and are looking for a reception venue. I walked back past the petrol station on Hornsey Road to see what the situation was, only to find they were closed, having completely run out of petrol. Not looking good for work tomorrow! Got another singer on board for BHM gig, who wants to do Tracey Chapman's "Talkin' 'bout a Revolution", and Rihanna's "Umbrella" which are easy enough on guitar. 

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