Friday 1 October 2021

Friday 1st October 2021

Woken around 0730 by strange metallic sounds out in the back yard. Opened the blind to discover it was raining heavily, and the wind was blowing rain coming off the church roof onto the aluminium step ladder propped against the outside wall. It was playing it like a musical instrument. Did a bit of work on the bass part again this's become almost addictive! I can't stop repeating it. Julie rang with some urgent inspection work...all within the M25, which was a relief. Aki called. She's still working through the family documentation. Did my physio exercises after lunch. Talked briefly to Colin on the phone...he's coming up to London on occassion over the next two or three weeks, and suggested a meet one evening. He had a traumatic incident driving the car back down the A45 after visiting family up Nuneaton way last week. A large dog suddenly ran across three lanes of fast moving traffic, and he couldn't help but hit it. The dog's hindquarters were badly smashed up. People stopped to help, and they got the hound to a local vet, but it had to be put down. Colin was understandably pretty shook up. Walked to Waitrose and picked up some milk, and some odds and ends. Hernia discomfort is affecting my ability to enjoy a walk...found myself yelping out in pain every now and then as I went. Don't know why it's taken such a turn for the worse. Made a mushroom and anchovy pasta sauce for dinner. Watched the final episode of Mare of Easttown. Got a bit silly toward the end. 

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