Sunday 17 October 2021

Sunday 17th October 2021


Woke a 0730. Aki called to wish me luck for tonight's show. She's still wading through paperwork. Did a bit more rehearsal...too little too late now! Then had a very early lunch before packing the car with the instruments and heading off to pick up David from round the corner. He'd only just woken up!!! Seems he likes to go into hibernation at this time of year. So we were half-an-hour late getting to the theatre to set up the amps and wires. Rehearsal was pretty ragged, and we didn't have time to do a dress run. Popped out for a KFC burger round the corner before the gig. Not a bad turnout. Katrina didn't make it, nor anyone else I knew, but it didn't feel quite as empty in there as I was dreading. The first half-hour was taken up by a drummer from Burkino-Fasso who also played Ngoni...he was really good. 

Then it was our turn. The first three numbers involved elements of audience participation. David was all over the shop on When You're smiling...clueless!!! But I waded in to help him back on track when required. Then Peta sang Minnie The Moocher to a backing track, before I lead a gospel sing-a-long to a song called Send Down The Rain. I introduced myself as The Reverend Jesus Treacle, and welcomed everyone in my best American accent, to the New Bethel Baptist Church in downtown Detroit, Stoke a good laugh! Then it was the dreaded Dream A Little Dream. I lost the chord progression several times, but Tyan kept going, and Kessle covered me a bit on the keys. A bit too sophisticated for my musical skills. This was followed by a rousing rendition of I Heard it Through the Grapevine...Paulette had knocked the backing singers into shape, and it went down very well. Then four of the singers did an acapella version of Stevie Wonder's Livin' In the City, followed by me accompanying Tyan on Talkin' 'Bout A Revolution, which is easy and effective. Then Paulette sang Save The Best For Last, Tyan knocked off Umbrella with appropriate rain wear and props, and we finished with Michael Kiwanuke's fabulous Cold Little Heart. We were forced to encore, so did Grapevine again, with the audience all singing along. It was all over by 2030, and we packed up. Put some stuff in the car, then had a brief drink with Peta and Simona before heading home for another beer. Thank God that's over!!!

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