Wednesday 27 October 2021

Tuesday 26th October 2021

Woke around 0630 for some reason, and found it difficult to get back to sleep. Tony up slightly before me, as he wanted to use the shower hose. We had oats soaked in iced latte for breakfast...but since the weather has come over all autumnal, we warmed them up in the microwave. Did a bit of prep work on the computer for a job next week, then had a spot of lunch before setting off for the theatre mid-afternoon.

Simona had all but finished the tech with Matthew, who is operating lights and sound, when I arrived, and I got the props in position for a final dress run at 1730. Re-set the stage, and cleared the auditorium afterward. Quite a sizeable audience turned up, much to my surprise...Katrina had walked round from Clapton, whilst Jane and Carlos had come from Sussex Way, and Helen and Martin, presumably on their bikes! I reckon we had about 50 or so in to watch. Nick, playing Cromwell, got us off to a rather slow start, the nerves slowing down his delivery, and thus robbing the opening scenes of the requisite energy, but Martin as King Henry was unstoppable...splendid performance, which held the evening together. Simona interviewed the playwright Ade Solanke on stage immediately afterward...she seemed genuinely delighted to see the play again, and was very effusive with her thanks. She mainly works as a screenwriter, but has enjoyed a couple of theatrical successes. I met her in the bar afterward, and asked if she would sell me a copy of the text, as I couldn't find it anywhere online...she promised she'd send one over with my name on it. Had a quick beer in the bar with the cast members, and Martin introduced me to his wife Janet, whom he'd met at the Tower forty years ago...she remembered me, but I had trouble recalling her face; we shared some chat about the actors who were at the Tower way back then, and I suggested they come round for some raw fish once Aki returns from Japan, so we can have a proper catch-up. Gave Jack, who'd played Oisleger, the German ambassador, a lift to Manor House on my way home. Aki called when I got in, in her jimjams, as usual. She has a busy day ahead, which includes visiting her old chum Izsumi for a haircut.

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