Sunday 24 October 2021

Sunday 24th October 2021

Woke around 0945. Had missed calls from Aki. Rang her back...she was just about to go cook dinner at Nobby's. She seemed very satisfied with the progress she has been making,...she'd had a long conversation with the solicitor, and it looks as though they've got everything covered. I cooked up the chicken tikka masala, and put a couple of portions in the freezer. Kath FaceTimed from mum and dad's, and I had a chat with Jim. He looked in good shape and observed that he didn't think he'd grow up to be the type of chap who had two ex-wives....I told him he still had a way to go before he caught up with Peter Sellers! He said he was now going into the office on a daily basis, and that a valet had been hired to give his van a good clean prior to putting it up for sale. 

Had a bowl of soup for lunch, then set off for Stoke Newington. I bumped into Kathleen in the bar area, just as Aki I was able to get Kathleen to give Aki a wave, before I descended into the basement to look for props for this afternoon's rehearsal. It was slow going today, but not in too bad or two of the actor seem to have no spatial awareness, and the fact that we are working in the round seems to confound them somewhat. Hopefully we can make more sense tomorrow when we get a chance to work in the theatre space itself. We finished rehearsing around 6pm, so I went upstairs to watch a couple of local actor/writers perform some scratch material as part of the Black History Month programme. Vanessa's piece was short, but packed a bit of a punch. She has a strong stage presence, but she's a bit too manic as a performer...needs a bit of work. The other actress, Nicole, performed a longer piece...she was very good, a natural talent, and there was some affecting poetic writing in there...very promising. Drove home for a late dinner of chicken tikka masala with a dhal, and some flatbreads before watching Liverpool thrash Man Utd 5-0 at Old Trafford!

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