Saturday 9 October 2021

Saturday 9th October 2021

Woke around 0800 and got up to make tea. Not in good voice this morning, for some reason. Watched some tennis from Indian Wells...Emma went out at her first hurdle. Leylah smashed it, though, and is through to the third round. Aki called. She was upset, as she'd just got back from the Care Home...they had invited her in to take a few mementoes to put in Toshiko's coffin for the cremation on Wednesday, which had elicited a few memories for her. She said the Care Home staff had been amazing, all coming up to talk to her about her mum. Made myself some Turkish eggs for brunch. Walked down to Angel in the afternoon...nice autumnal feel to the day as I walked through Highbury Fields, with the first fallen leaves yellowing on the footpaths. Hernia pain pretty constant now, and slowed my walking pace, so I took a seat in the park and called Pete...who appeared to be in a park! He was in a playground in Farnham with his two youngest daughters, trying to stop them walking up the slide instead of sliding down it! Said he has been very busy settling the kids into their new schools, and getting Polka Theatre back up and running now the refurbishment has been completed. Said he may be able to meet up over half term in a couple of weeks' time. He was very amused that I was back at the Tower Theatre. Walked on to Upper Street and had a decaff in Euphorium...felt twenty again waiting for my order to arrive!!! Finally got to Muji in the Angel Shopping Centre and bought some fresh slipper, some boxer shorts, and a pair of socks, before getting the No.43 bus back up to the Odeon and walking home from there. Bumped into Six talking to Brett outside No.7, where she was whitewashing her garden wall. Updated them on Aki's mum. Six has been kept busy as his autistic son Lucien has been in and out of hospital these last couple of weeks...he has been suffering severe seizures. Got home and cooked confit of duck for dinner, which I had with boiled potatoes, green beans, and carrots. Read a bit of Rachel Cooke, as there was nowt on telly. Bath, and bed...

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