Friday 15 October 2021

Friday 15th October 2021

Woke at 0730. Got up and did some work at the computer before Aki called for a quick hello. Hit the road again by 0930, headed out toward Harlow, and on to Bishops Stortford. Stopped to grab a coffee at Birchanger Lane Services on the M11. Then on to Saffron Walden. Ate my lunch in the car on a new-build development in Newport, then headed back to Birchanger, where I took a short rest, trying to find out what was going on on the M11...the sat nav warned me of an accident, but there was nothing on the useless 5Live about it, so I pressed on to Brentwood, then turned for home. Traffic slow but got home by 1715, in time to cook a quick dinner before heading for the Tower Theatre to rehearse with a skeleton crew. David came round for a lift. Rehearsal OK as far as it went...bit of friction developing between the drummer boy, and Peta...Jacques keeps over egging the pudding with little jazz frills and off-beats which throw us all off rhythm...going to have to warn Simona tomorrow to rein him in a bit come Sunday. Got home by 2130 for a relatively early night, though the traffic westbound along Seven Sisters Road was stationery for some reason...don't know what had happened up ahead in Finsbury Park. Eventually turned round and headed up Green Lanes, and go round the north side of Finsbury Park, where I ran into another traffic jam...a collision on the mini roundabout was blocking the road. Talked to Aki briefly before bath...she has to sort out the furniture and clothes in the Inage flat. A lot to sort through! 

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