Saturday 2 October 2021

Saturday 2nd October 2021

Woke around 0800. Got up to make tea and practise my bass part. Knocked on the door next door and yelled "Taxi for Hughes!" through the letterbox. Mr & Mrs Hughes eventually appeared hauling luggage...I explained that my hernia was playing up, so they'd have to lift it into the boot of the Landrover themselves. Yonkers the big black lab go in the back, and after a quick lesson in how to start the vehicle without keys, we set off for Euston station. It was a bit like driving the Starship Enterprise rather than a motor vehicle. Nice drive, though. Feels as expensive as it probably is. A lot of roads blocked off round Euston because of the HS2 works, but I eventually got to the station drop off point, and then drove back via Waitrose. Aki called. Said she'd watched a gentle Argentinian film drama called The Last Suit last night. She'd been for another walk to the forest park this morning, and looks quite healthy over the mobile phone screen. Made some lunch. Mum called, having accidentally sat on her iPad and caused the thing to go off! They have been keeping their heads down; the weather trapping them indoors for the present. Started raining heavily here this afternoon. Cooked up a rice pudding, and made a raspberry spoom...sent the recipe to dad. Jas can't now do the gig on 17th, so all my hard work on Dream A Little Dream these past two days has gone for nothing. Her dad doesn't want to partake if his daughter ain' we are back at square one. There's one chap who's up for singing Michael Kiwanuka's Cold Little trying to find a bassist to take that on, as I'll have to play the guitar part. Cold Little Heart very easy...spent an hour or so working it up on the electric guitar; had to vacuum the guitar case, which has collected about 5 years worth of dust sitting under the bed!

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