Saturday 23 October 2021

Saturday 23rd October 2021

Got up at 0745 and made a mug of tea. Called Aki after breakfast...she was at Noboru's flat, and had managed to jam his shredder!!! He's still out west, so doesn't know yet. I wandered up to the Farmer's Market behind Whittington Park and bought a loaf of bread, then ambled on up the hill to M&S. Back home, I made some lunch, then got to making a beef lasagna...took me all afternoon, and made a right mess of the kitchen! Mind you, I also made a browned butter and lime rice pudding at the same time, which added to the chaos. Had a portion of lasagna for dinner with some greens, and put the rice pudding in the fridge to have when Tony comes on Monday night. Oh, and I also made a tikka marinade for some chicken breast, which went in the fridge...I'll cook that tomorrow morning. Watched some MOTD. Aki called for a wee chat before I ran my bath...she's hoping Noboru can get the shredder fixed this morning so she can continue where she left off before she was so rudely interrupted.

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