Monday 25 October 2021

Monday 25th October 2021

Woken at 0845 by Aki calling from Japan. Got up and made a mug of tea, and had a wee chat. She'd been to the Council offices in Inage, where her mum's flat is located, but got there to find that they were still processing the Death wasted journey. Did some work at the computer after breakfast. Broke for chicken soup for lunch. Aki called again...she had taken Noboru out to the restaurant over the road to buy him a birthday dinner. Vacuumed the flat. Put the heating on prior to Tony's arrival, as my hands were getting cold typing at the I thought it time to bite the bullet. Trouble was, the rad in the spare bedroom doesn't seem to be working. Hunted for the radiator bleed key, but of course, nowhere to be found, so had to pop out to the DIY shop...naturally, I'll find it when I'm looking for something else! 

Warmed up fish pie for dinner then drove to Stoke Newington, and getting to the theatre just after 1800. Was pleasantly surprised by how good the space looked with the in-the-round set up. Feels bigger somehow. Set the props and sorted out seating for the actors, who donned bits of costume, and eventually they stumbled through a run. It's not in bad shape, and hopefully tomorrow night's snatched dress rehearsal will smooth out the rougher edges. Drove home afterward to check that Tony had managed to let himself in OK, and had his dinner. All good. He'd enjoyed my fish pie, and the rice pudding and raspberry spoom. He asked if I had any ear drops, as his right ear seemed blocked. I gave him some bicarbonate of soda drops. I put the bins out, and bumped into Sush having a fag in the front garden...asked him to come and have a look at the bathroom, and he said he could look in on Saturday morning. Tony went to bed around 2300, and I ran a bath. Aki called from Chiba, in her jimjams...she's off to visit her niece for a luncheon date. Read some Rachel Cooke, then retired for the night...

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