Wednesday 6 October 2021

Wednesday 6th October 2021

Woke around 0730 and got up to do a bit of work before breakfast. Aki called...she'd seen her mum this morning, and she seemed better than yesterday, though sleepy. I walked round to the petrol station and found they had had an overnight delivery, so I walked on to Big Jo's and had a coffee and a croissant, before picking up the car and putting some petrol in. Sales are limited to a maximum spend of £35. Still, it got me out west to do inspections in Hayes and Uxbridge. Had my lunch in the car. Stopped at ASDA in Hayes to pick up some lunch items for tomorrow. Got home around 1900 after doing 70 miles...long day! Had picked up a chicken thai green curry in ASDA which needed half-an-hour in the oven, so didn't have time to cook and eat the fish pie I had planned. Cooked after dinner instead, having got Tony to message me his recipe. Caught up with Aki's blog entries...very sweet and moving photos of her mum holding Aki's hand. Sorry I can't be there to offer some support.

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