Monday 1 November 2021

Sunday 31st October 2021


Woke at around 0630...managed to knock the glass of water off the bedside table in the dark, so had to get up and clear up the mess! It had gone 1000 by the time I woke again...fortunately, I was able to put the clock back an hour. Spent the morning cooking the food I'd bought yesterday, and hadn't been able to cook as planned last night. Cooked up an aubergine parmigiana lasagna, a chicken cacciatore, and a pear and coffee cobbler. Ma and pa called as I was mid-hob-hopping. They look a lot more relaxed now that Jim is residing at Kath's. Aki then called from the B&B...Erika waved at me, as did Aki's hostess, and her ginger tomcat. They watched me do the washing up. Walked up to knock on Kevin's door at No.93 and we ended up in the North Nineteen for the Sunday Roast. Kevin paid, which was very generous of him...and we quizzed each other about our pasts. He has a French wife, and they are seriously considering upping sticks and moving to Brittany. They met at life-drawing class. Kevin studied Fine Art at Goldsmith's College. He has family in the New Forest area. They have two sons, one a civil engineer currently doing a research PhD at Imperial, and the other doing a biology degree in Bristol. Discovered we had a mutual regard for mime, and vowed to go see some of the International Mime Festival in the New Year. Spent the remainder of the afternoon reading the newspaper and listening to the football on R5Live. warmed up a beef lasagna for dinner, with pear and coffee cobbler to follow. It was a trifle disappointing...the coffee flavour was very low in the mix...the cardamom won out. I prefer a good old fashioned crumble! FaceTimed Kath and Jim. They seemed comfortable...Jim asked when I was thinking of joining them in Peary Close! We could turn it into a reality TV show!!!

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