Tuesday 19 October 2021

Tuesday 19th October 2021


Woke around 0815. Got up and ironed a shirt for work. Belatedly noticed two large holes in the crotch of my suit trousers. Will have to bin them! Must have been walking about like that for months! Hope no-one noticed when standing below me on the escalators...if they did, they didn't mention it! Had some breakfast, then headed out toward Kingston. Traffic OK until I got to the Shepherds Bush turn off the A40. Flyover ahead was closed by police vehicles...I assumed there had been a crash some way ahead...took about 15 minutes to crawl off the slip road. Drove to Walton-on-Thames first, then on to Weybridge, before double-backing to Esher, and Claygate. Kath FaceTimed from Peary Close...she had mum and dad with her for a spot of lunch. They showed me the little terraced house in Wickham that Jim is proposing to rent. It's unfurnished, which surprised me. he hasn't got any furniture!!! Stopped at a little cafe in Esher to pick up a panini for lunch, and ate it in the car. Driving back via Shepherds Bush some five or so hours later, I was astonished to find the A40 still cordoned off...the radio mentioned an on-going police incident, so I guess it must have been a group of Insulate Britain protestors gluing themselves to the highway! Took ages to find a route out of the traffic mayhem. Got home at 1715. Warmed up the dark Belgian beef and beer stew that Brett had brought round at the weekend...added some button mushrooms, and served it up with sauteed potatoes, and some greens. Very tasty! Aki called...she was in her jim-jams, having just gotten up...she's due to head to the airport to fly the ashes out west. 

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