Tuesday 19 October 2021

Monday 18th October 2021

Over-slept. Woke around 0930. Feeling too weary to climb into the motor this morning, so decided to work from home today, and venture out tomorrow. I called Aki...she was on a crowded commuter train...she rang back once she'd got back to the flat. She'd been at her mum's Inage flat all day, showing round potential house clearance teams and getting quotes...she ended up going with the last bunch who came round, and seemed the most efficient. I worked at the computer until lunch time, but wasn't hungry, having had a very late breakfast. Did some more work early afternoon before heading for the tube station. Met up with Colin Yates at Wright Brothers' little fish restaurant in Borough Market. He'd come up from Hove for a brief visit to his office in Monument. I got there early so wandered round the market...spent £2.20 on some tikka masala spice mix in the little spice stall. Got seated in the restaurant and had myself a small bottled Steigl lager, from Austria...very nice. Colin got there more or less on time. Updated him on where Aki was, and he updated me on Kim and Andy...Kim lost her mum last week! He told me of the troubles he's been having with the neighbours...sounds as though the problem is Trudi...she's the one who seems to set things in motion! Enjoyed the meal...had fish soup to start, followed by cod fillet on a butter bean and chorizo stew, and lemon posset for dessert. Walked Colin over to London Bridge station, then walked across London Bridge in the October drizzle. Walked past No.22 Bishopsgate, a massive tower with a food market on the 2nd floor...must make a trip to have a look when it's open. Saw the new Crossrail station for Liverpool Street, or rather the rather dull, square glazed box that sits over the escalators. Got the train from Moorgate, getting home just before Arsenal kicked off against Palace, thereby missing the crowds that spill out of Finsbury Park tube station. Listened to the Arsenal game on R5Live. They could only manage a draw. 

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